Small Groups

Four Points Community

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17


A small group is a small gathering of people that meet regularly to grow in the Gospel, by participating in authentic conversations, caring for one another, and engaging their community with the Good News about Jesus.

We meet in smaller gatherings, because they offer us a greater opportunity to love one another, as Jesus says. We love someone better the more we get to know them, and the more of our lives we share with them. In our groups, we talk about what God is saying to us, how He is changing us. We apply what we are learning from God’s Word on Sunday, encouraging one another to turn towards Jesus and away from sin.

In our groups, we care for one another. If someone in our group is hurting or having a hard time, we pray for them. We remind them of God’s love for them in the Gospel, and we meet any practical needs we that can.

Lastly, we strive to reach our communities with the Gospel. Spreading the Good News about Jesus is something we can do together by serving people around us, building relationships with them, and sharing the message that Jesus came to save sinners. His sinless life, His substitutionary death, His bodily resurrection: all accomplished so that we might become a part of His family.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35

Crucial Community

What does it mean to grow as a disciple of JESUS?

It means that we are in the process of becoming more and more like Him. Jesus intentionally calls us not only to Himself, but also to be a part of His Church, His Body, representing Him on earth. One of the main ways we seek to answer Jesus’ call to discipleship at Four Points is through Small Groups.

Why small groups?

We grow in Christlikeness as we love one another.  We believe all people need to know about that love.  Small Groups at Four Points are all about Jesus and growing together through His word.
Mirroring the New Testament, we hope to see believers living life together on a mission. In our small groups, 8-20 people gather throughout the week in gospel-centered community (Acts 2:42-47). Each group seeks to grow together in Christ, while caring for one another, praying for one another, and encouraging one another in the Word. Our groups are on mission to advance the gospel to their local community by being missionaries for Jesus and living life together in biblical community.